How to manage time and work routine?

A proposal for applying the Kanban technique and the Trello application for personal planning


  • Juliana Ely Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti



Kanban, personal strategic planning, time management, Trello


Nowadays, with the new digital era, time is a valuable asset and needs to be well managed, not only at work, but also in your personal life. Insufficient time in everyday life is a warning indicator, signs of too many tasks, lack of objectives or lack of priorities. With this scenario presented, the objective is to study how Kanban can help align time management and personal strategic planning, with the aim of making it more efficient. Therefore, a proposal to apply the tool in two applications (Excel and Trello) was suggested. To test and validate the proposal, a group of six individuals from different business sectors was selected, in which the Kanban logic was applied and operationalized by support applications in their personal and work routines. The results found indicate that the tool is very useful for the user, as the professional can visualize their demands, organize the team and have a visibly clear workflow. It is noteworthy that some adaptations need to be made to improve its efficiency in different work contexts.

Author Biography

Juliana Ely, Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti

Bacharelanda em Administração (AMF).


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How to Cite

Ely, J. (2024). How to manage time and work routine? A proposal for applying the Kanban technique and the Trello application for personal planning. Saber Humano: Revista Científica Da Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti, 1(1), 170–181.



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