Financial management in soybean cultivation

a proposed tool for a small rural property


  • Vanessa Ellwanger Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti



soy, rural properties, financial management in soybean cultivation, financial management


Financial management is an indispensable element in the administrative process of a property, but little used as an administrative tool by rural producers. However, regardless of the environment involved, effective and participatory administration is necessary to make the activity productive. Therefore, the present study aims to present a tool to assist in financial management for rural producers, with a view to contributing to the effective management of rural properties in the contemporary context. The rural property is located in the center of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, with approximately 20 hectares. The study methodology consists of an applied study, with data collection operationalized through documentary analysis. According to the weaknesses diagnosed, the lack of financial management on the farm suffers, a practical and easy-to-use dashboard was developed using Microsoft Office Excel. In this way, the work presents, in practice, how to organize and manage the financial area of ​​a small property, preparing control spreadsheets for revenues, costs, expenses and investments, in order to allow efficient management of financial resources, increasing the chances of more profitable and profitable harvests. Furthermore, it is understood that the guidelines inherent to the tool proposed in this study can be replicated by other small businesses for their financial management.

Author Biography

Vanessa Ellwanger, Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti

Bacharelanda em Ciências Contábeis (AMF).


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How to Cite

Ellwanger, V. (2024). Financial management in soybean cultivation: a proposed tool for a small rural property. Saber Humano: Revista Científica Da Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti, 1(1), 308–323.



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