Guantanamo Poems: an analysis of the inhumane measures reported and international policies for the protection of human rights


  • Luciana Espindola da Costa Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti



dehumanization, Guantánamo, war on terror, poems, prisoners


The Guantánamo Bay prison, located in Cuba, holds prisoners without formal charges and subjects them to abusive torture. Regarding this context, the research problem originates from the poems written by prisoners reporting their experiences in this prison and the absence of effective international policies to protect human rights. Thus, the objective is to verify, through poems written by detainees, the torture practices carried out there, contrasting them with the legal measures applicable to guarantee respect for human rights in Guantánamo. The approach method was inductive, the procedural method was monographic, and the research technique was based on documentary and bibliographic analysis. Therefore, we conclude that Guantánamo is operated illegally and that there are currently no effective legal mechanisms that could interfere with these abusive practices.

Author Biography

Luciana Espindola da Costa, Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti

Bacharelanda em Direito (AMF). Participante do Laboratório de Hard Cases: o encontro entre Direito e Ontopsicologia; participante do InLaw – Laboratório de Inovação e Direito da AMF; participante do Núcleo de Excelência em Linguagem (AMF).


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How to Cite

Espindola da Costa, L. (2024). Guantanamo Poems: an analysis of the inhumane measures reported and international policies for the protection of human rights. Saber Humano: Revista Científica Da Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti, 1(01), 126–137.