The importance of a system for inventory management in small businesses

a study in a goods store in Rio Grande do Sul


  • Caroline Luana Schroeder Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti



stock management, small business, MarketUp system, gaucho articles


This study addressed the importance of inventory management in small businesses, focusing on a store selling goods from Rio Grande do Sul. Inventory management plays a fundamental role in operational efficiency and customer satisfaction, being essential to ensuring the success of companies, regardless of size. In the case of small businesses, inventory management can be even more critical due to limited resources. To overcome this barrier, the study was based on the implementation of the MarketUp system as a tool to improve the inventory management of the company studied. The operational steps of this system were detailed, from product registration to the issuance of receipts and invoices. Results include greater efficiency in inventory management, better customer service, more accurate inventory control and informed decision making. Although the implementation of MarketUp brought positive results for the company, a limitation identified was the fact that some of the software's features are paid, which can be a barrier for small businesses with limited financial resources. Furthermore, the study was specific to one company and a set of products and the results are a proxy applicable to small companies, taking into account the specificities of each business.

Author Biography

Caroline Luana Schroeder, Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti

Bacharelanda em Ciências Contábeis (AMF).


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How to Cite

Schroeder, C. L. (2024). The importance of a system for inventory management in small businesses: a study in a goods store in Rio Grande do Sul. Saber Humano: Revista Científica Da Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti, 1(1), 49–70.



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