Application of the PDCA cycle in milk production in a rural property located in Pinhal Grande/RS


  • Cândido Delfino Bolson De Arruda Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti



PDCA cycle, agro-industrial milk system, quality


Like most rural companies, the property studied is always looking to maximize profits and increase quality. One of the ways to achieve them is by reducing crop losses, in the case studied here in dairy production, in which its revenue is the second highest among the property's activities. The general objective of the study is to propose guidance to small rural enterprises operating in the dairy sector that need different planning, guiding them towards better performance. Thus, an improvement in product quality is expected and, consequently, an improvement in the business's profitability potential, especially given the context of milk production on a family rural property in the interior of the municipality of Pinhal Grande/RS, the research locus. To this end, the PDCA cycle was adopted, which seeks to use standardized processes, that is, control. As a result of the cycle applied to milk production, and by using the indicators, it is possible to measure the objectives achieved during and at the end of the cycle.

Author Biography

Cândido Delfino Bolson De Arruda, Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti

Bacharelando em Administração (AMF).


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How to Cite

Delfino Bolson De Arruda, C. (2024). Application of the PDCA cycle in milk production in a rural property located in Pinhal Grande/RS. Saber Humano: Revista Científica Da Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti, 1(1), 82–90.



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