The challenges faced by companies when applying techniques to engage their employees
engagement, work, people, development, practicesAbstract
Current conflicts have numerous consequences for the world market. Impacts on the main commercial currencies are very recurrent, which ends up having a strong impact on companies, both national and international. Regarding the Brazilian context, several organizations felt the negative impacts caused by factors in the external environment, such as conflicts between countries and political instability, according to Sebrae (2022). As a result, companies face the difficulty of creating a healthy and productive environment for employees in which they can carry out their tasks satisfactorily, corresponding to the objectives proposed by leadership. Having an engaged team of employees means there is better development in relation to the proposed tasks, generating greater satisfaction for your leaders and, consequently, increasing your earnings as a whole. The conceptualization of work engagement is attributed to Kahn (1990), he saw that this phenomenon occurs in work environments, among organizational members, when they express themselves cognitively, emotionally, mentally and physically. Engaged people put more effort into their activities. To achieve this, it is necessary for managers to have knowledge of techniques, approaches and methodologies related to employee engagement in the business context. In view of the above, the present work aims to elucidate the importance of applying employee engagement techniques in companies, regardless of the sector and method of quantifying the level of worker engagement. The research brought tools that can be applied in the daily life of a team, their advantages for the group itself and for the company. The method used is the application of a tool developed by researcher Siqueira (2014), the work engagement scale (EEGT), applied in a land logistics company. After applying the scale, the results obtained from the scores given by employees to the proposed items were analyzed, according to the operationalization of the tool, ranking their engagement with the company. The results showed an indication of low engagement in the company studied, with a score of 2.84. According to the dimensions addressed, the level of vigor is considered low, as its score is 2.76, as is the level of absorption, which is also low, with a score of 2.92. It was also observed that, based on the answers obtained to the three questions asked, respondents mention that there are few practices that promote engagement in the company and resources should be developed to improve this aspect, such as improving business culture.
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