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A study on the re-signification of the school curriculum in times of crisis


  • Cássia Aparecida Sales Magalhães Kirchner Centro Universitário - UNIFAAT



school, curriculum, teaching knowledge, crisis in education, pandemic


This article presents the results of a Scientific Initiation research and aimed to present the reflections made on the relations between school, curriculum and the ways in which trainers, managers and teachers construct and re-signify knowledge within the school in times of crisis. The curricular documents in the period from 2016 to 2021 were analyzed, the analysis was developed from the records produced in the Collective Pedagogical Work Schedules (HTPC) of an Early Childhood Education school located in a city in the interior of São Paulo. To this end, the methodology of bibliographic and documentary research was used, based on Bardin's theoretical framework, following the stages of pre-analysis, exploration and treatment of results, inference and interpretation. Based on the evidence left in the records, it was possible to conclude that despite the period of suspension of in-person services due to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, responsible for causing the COVID-19 pandemic, the curriculum was redefined and adapted to the adversities presented in a time of crisis.

Author Biography

Cássia Aparecida Sales Magalhães Kirchner, Centro Universitário - UNIFAAT

Doutora em Educação (Unicamp). Professora (UNIFAAT).


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How to Cite

Sales Magalhães Kirchner, C. A. (2024). A study on the re-signification of the school curriculum in times of crisis. Saber Humano: Revista Científica Da Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti, 14(24), 58–71.