Analysis of Article 223-G CLT in the pricing of life - extra-patrimonial damage


  • Vitória Verdum dos Santos Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti



extra-patrimonial damage, (un) constitutionality, principle of isonomy, labor reform


This article aims to answer the following research problem: does the STF’s decision on the constitutionality of Article 223-G of the CLT mean the discrepancy in the valuation of compensation for moral damages based solely on the employee’s contractual salary? The aim is to analyze the violation of the principle of equality by charging extra-patrimonial damage in relation to the last offended salary. Firstly, labor reform will be analyzed, as this is where the problem of this article originated. Furthermore, the pricing of extra-patrimonial damage based on the offended party’s contractual salary is a violation of the principle of equality. To conclude, an analysis of the constitutionality of the Federal Supreme Court’s decision in relation to Article 223-G of the CLT. The methodology addressed was bibliographic. It is concluded from this article that the decision of the Federal Supreme Court violates the principle of isonomy to the extent that it makes it possible to price the extra-patrimonial damage suffered by the offended party, taking into account separately the value of the victim’s last salary. Leading to unconstitutionality by limiting the dignity of legal personality.

Author Biography

Vitória Verdum dos Santos, Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti

Bacharelanda em Direito (AMF).


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How to Cite

Verdum dos Santos, V. (2024). Analysis of Article 223-G CLT in the pricing of life - extra-patrimonial damage. Saber Humano: Revista Científica Da Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti, 1(01), 30–39.