Challenges and opportunities of implementing a marketing information system in family businesses




Marketing information system, Family business


The marketing information system (MIS) is a data system that facilitates and helps in decision making within the company. SIM helps in targeting product ads, creating campaigns, etc. It is a system used to store your customers' information to target your products/services. The family business is the company that includes family members in the administrative and production processes, so all family members involved in the company participate in various functions, thus having family members in the direction and decision-making. The general objective of this work is to analyze the challenges and opportunities of implementing a Marketing Information System (MIS) in family businesses. The method used was qualitative research. For data collection, semi-structured interviews were used. For data analysis, relationships were identified between the findings of the interviews and the literature in the area. In addition, a word cloud was created with the most cited terms in the interviews. As a result of the research, the lack of knowledge on the part of the companies in relation to the SIM was identified. However, there was interest shown by companies in understanding the concept and even opening up a possible future application of the SIM.

Author Biography

Lucas Tartarotti, Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS

Doutorando em Administração pela Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS), Mestre em Administração (UCS), Bacharel em Administração com Láurea Acadêmica (UCS). Bolsista de Pesquisa no Doutorado, Modalidade I, do PROSUC - CAPES.


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How to Cite

Anziliero Susin, D., & Tartarotti, L. (2023). Challenges and opportunities of implementing a marketing information system in family businesses. Saber Humano: Revista Científica Da Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti, 13(22), 154–166.


