The importance of organizational culture in the remote environmen

a study on company culture adherence practices in a home office scenario


  • Gustavo Scotta Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti



organizational culture, home office, remote environment


In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined COVID-19 as a global pandemic, as a result, several restrictive measures had to be taken in various parts of the world with the aim of reducing the circulation of the coronavirus and the number of infected people. After this, as there was a vast list of recommendations addressed by the WHO, business bodies needed to create work alternatives where their employees could remain safe in their homes, thus adopting the home office format. With employees having to work from their homes, away from the physical environment of offices, remote work ended up becoming increasingly present in society, breaking paradigms of systematization and standardization of cutting-edge techniques, thus entering a new era of thought regarding what work is in contemporary times. With this, the organizational culture of companies, made up of beliefs, values ​​and norms, sets out on a path of reformulation rather than concern, since in the current context, there would be no deadline for ending the pandemic, as well as a possible return to work. in person. From the moment the employee leaves the company and goes to work from home, a big problem arises. Companies need to start developing techniques to adhere to the organizational culture, even from afar. For this reason, the need for this research arises, since, given the current scenario, the home office will end up becoming more and more present in the current situation. Given the context presented, the following research objective was set: to investigate the importance of the presence of elements of organizational culture for the development of teleworking. As a methodological guideline, this study is characterized as descriptive, quantitative and applied. The results obtained show, in general, that, among the dimensions addressed, the one with the highest score is reward and training, where respondents pointed out the training relationship is highly linked to the reward of its results and the lowest score is the of competitive professionalism that shows that competitiveness is an issue that can be worked on within business.

Author Biography

Gustavo Scotta, Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti

Bacharelando em Administração (AMF).


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How to Cite

Scotta, G. (2024). The importance of organizational culture in the remote environmen: a study on company culture adherence practices in a home office scenario. Saber Humano: Revista Científica Da Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti, 1(1), 07–31.



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