Phenomenology of Life and Orixality: ontological aspects of Yorùbá thinking


  • Arthur de Oliveira Machado Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Phenomenology of Life, Orixá worship, Yorùbá, Michel Henry


The development of the central thesis of this article, its ontological considerations guided by the Phenomenology of Life, demands a dual task. The task of presenting (1) the hypothesis of the pre-ontological privilege present in the interpretation of human existence conveyed by the narratives of the Yorùbá ethnolinguistic groups. In this case, these narratives underpin the Brazilian Afro-diasporic religious practices of Orixá worship. In addition to this stage, the comparative consideration, whose purpose is to display the privileged assumption as such (meaning: in relation to which narrative it is possible to determine there is a privilege), requires the (2) exposition of the critique of so-called ontological monism, as developed by the phenomenologist Michel Henry (1922 - 2002). As a preparatory procedure for the central theses and conclusion, an explanation of a metatheoretical nature should be integrated into the text: the justification of the relevance and conceptual articulation, as well as the orientation of this investigation from a phenomenological ontology. Finally, this work will conclude that, unlike classical Western philosophy, the narrative-cultural expression and existential interpretation preserved in the religious experience of Orixá worship retains in its practices fundamental alethic aspects of the phenomenological nature of Subjective Life.

Author Biography

Arthur de Oliveira Machado, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Doutorando e Mestre em Filosofia (UFSM), Especializando em Psicanálise (FDA), Graduado em Filosofia (UFSM). Professor (UFSM).


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How to Cite

de Oliveira Machado, A. (2024). Phenomenology of Life and Orixality: ontological aspects of Yorùbá thinking: . Saber Humano: Revista Científica Da Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti, 14(24), 115–135.