Pedagogical tourism practices and educational spaces in a countryside school


  • Andréia Saidelles Rossi Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Estela Maris Giordani Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



citizen education, Pedagogical Tourism Practices, educational spaces


Pedagogical tourism (TP) includes short and long intentional tour classes in educational spaces in and beyond the school. The research analyzed TP practices at the José Paim de Oliveira Municipal Elementary School (JPO) located in Santa Maria. The objective of the research was to understand the educational spaces of Pedagogical Tourism practices in the initial years. Real and virtual trips, with or without/inside or outside the means of transport, in times and spaces in and beyond the municipality itself are considered contextualized educational places that bring meaning to everyday situations or not and teaching towards citizenship training. The methodology is a qualitative approach, of the case study type. Data collection was through semi-structured interviews, with ten teachers. The data were analyzed using the content analysis technique. The results point to the impact of these work projects on the personal and professional lives of several protagonists belonging to this school. It was evident that TP is an educational practice that combines classroom theory with experiences lived near and far from school, generating significant knowledge and active beings, willing to discover natural and cultural environments. These practices contribute to the formation of citizens aware of the duty to act in the community and school in which they live in a human way with people of different ages and ways of living and relive their life stories to remain in the memory of each child, adolescent or adult traveler.

Author Biography

Estela Maris Giordani , Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Doutora em Educação (UNICAMP). Professora (UFSM).


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How to Cite

Saidelles Rossi, A., & Maris Giordani , E. (2024). Pedagogical tourism practices and educational spaces in a countryside school. Saber Humano: Revista Científica Da Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti, 14(24), 37–57.